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There are often times when in life where people struggle individually with any number of issues they find currently challenging.  These issues may feel like small things that you encounter daily but find increasingly difficult.  They may be significant issues such as loss of a loved one, a divorce, or a recent traumatic event. It may be a time when you are questioning your choices in life, or at a crossroads and are conflicted by your options. These issues may weigh on you and make you feel more and more overwhelmed.  In these cases you may feel like your previous ways of coping are no longer working. As a result you may feel increases in anxiety , more easily stressed, more easily angered, persistent sadness, and/or numb to any feeling.  


Individual therapy can help in sorting out any number of issues that may be impacting your life. As a therapist I can help you sort out those issues and manage the overwhelming feelings that often accompany these struggles.  The sense of knowing and truly feeling you are not alone in this process offers the opportunity for new insights, understanding, and options in working through these difficult times. 



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